Behavior Consultation
Private Training
Dog Walking
There is a game for that!
Do you need help with your puppy or dog? Maybe you are a brand new dog owner that feels a bit lost and wants some guidance or your dog might have become a bit Naughty and you just don't know where to progress.
Behavior Consultation:
Do you want a complete trainings plan tailored towards your dog. Be it raising a puppy, growing a relationship or just setting you and your dog up for success from the start. Then this is the option for you. In the 2 hour assessment we will go over you and your dogs specific struggles, strengths, needs and goals. You will leave with a completely outlined trainings plan tailored for you. For 6 months afterwards you will get online support and advice to keep you on the right track.
Struggles I can help you with:
Reactivity (dogs, bikes, people, livestock...)
Fear and Aggression
Separation Related Behaviors
Puppy Foundations
Lifeskills every dog needs
Anxiety and Anxiety related Behaviors
... and so much more
Training Session:
Do you need help with a specific struggle or just want a second eye guiding you in the right direction. Are you just feeling lost when you walking your dog because s/he might pull your shoulders off, barks and lungs at other dogs, people or bikes. Has no recall. Or just can't seem to settle in the house.
Maybe you want an extra hand after your initial behavior consultation deepening your understanding of the exercises and helping you progress. Then this is for you. You can book as many sessions as you like or need. For continued progress.
Available as session with you present where I give you tips and advice of the thought exercises.
Or as session without you present where I take your dog out and we work on those skills (you can come along and watch) Advantage of that is as trainer I am more experienced on timing, subtle body language and mood changes in your dog and setting the right energy for the exercise.
Dog Walking:
Is your dog a bit naughty. Maybe you just don't have the time or energy to take him or her out. During the 1 1/2 hour session your dog will get all the exercise and mental stimulation he or she needs. It will be only me and your dog (max 2 dogs at the same time from same household) we play games, do focus exercises and rehearse good behaviors during that time.
If wished and suitable I can bring one or both of my well behaved dogs with me for socialization.
Pick up service available in Eidsvåg/Åsane.